Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I haven't actually read the Bible because the type is too small

... maybe I should just let other people tell me what to think. That's the ticket!

Thing is, I actually have read the Bible. I mean, I was doing some serious skimming through all of the "A begat B begat C begat ..." (I mean, I like sex in my literature as much as the next guy but it just got gratuitous.) Anyway, the point is I read the Bible before making up my mind about it: For the record I would say it's often boring, occasionally it's great literature, but I'm not buying the whole 'word of God' thing.

I guess I'm just not as trusting as some people. Which brings me to this lady ...

who wants to ban Harry Potter from the library of the public school her children attend.

The story I linked to is about how most people who heard about her cause decided to defend the Potter books, but I particularly liked these comments the paper noted from their message boards:

"I totally agree with this parent seeking to have Harry Potter books removed. If we suggested the Bible be on a list of mandatory books for students to read as a part of their novel requirement, there would be an immediate protest. Therefore, as a Christian, we must begin to take a stand and begin to show accountability for what our children are being taught and exposed to."

— Posted by Mendi on the message board

Because being in the library is exactly the same as being on a list of mandatory books for students to read.

"I am a Christian. I feel that Christian rights are being abolished in this country. Everyone talks about our views being pushed on them. But what about our beliefs? Don't we have any rights at all?"

— Posted by "red" on the message board

That one is so ridiculous that I'm very tempted to believe it's just sarcastic.

But the best of all is the reason given by the petitioning mother herself:

"On the forms, she wrote that she objected to the series’ 'evil themes, witchcraft, demonic activity, murder, evil blood sacrifice, spells and teaching children all of this.'

She wrote she had not read the series because it is long, and she is a working mother of four."

Where have all the books with good, wholesome blood sacrifice gone anyway? At least she's right about one thing: The books are long. Worse yet, I think once or twice, they may have even made me think.

Frankly I think she's just bitter that an online sorting hat put her in Slytherin.


Paul said...

If you would like an alternative view on Harry Potter by a Christian, go to BeThinking.org


The guy speaking likes Harry Potter books and sees nothing wrong with them.

There is generally a wide-spectrum of opinion in Christian circles about such things.

I remember many years ago in London when ET came out first, a Christian man remarked on how evil ET looked! :)

And then there was all the talk about records giving evil messages if played backwards.

And someone thought that Pink Floyd were advocating wife-beating because of a line in one of the songs from the wall.

Well, you get all types in the Christain scene as you do in the world in general. No harm to question things though - and to take an interest in what your children read or listen to.

By the way, if you ever want to read the Bible again, I'd start with one the the gospels. Leave the 'begats' till later!

Diana said...

The only thing I can think of that even comes close to the ... ridiculousness?... of these comments was that letter to the editor in the AZ Republic back around the time when the last HP book came out. Some mother wrote in complaining that her kid spent too much time reading, she couldn't pull him away from books, and Harry Potter was the worst culprit of them all. I couldn't help but agree. We've GOT to get kids off of these damn books and onto something more substantial - like crack cocaine. I should have sent her some.

Oh oh oh wait! I CAN think of something more ridiculous than all of this - the fact that I work at a school where the "superintendent" shut down the Harry Potter club because he thought the kids were performing witchcraft after he walked in on them shouting out Expecto Patronum or something along those lines.

What a world we live in....

ancient clown said...

There were a number of considerations that went into this but I invite you to examine The BIBLE---Ancient Version.
Don't hold back...please be honest.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown