Thursday, May 15, 2008

Just like NKOTB -- I'm back!

... and I'm going to keep it short, sweet, and hyper-specific.

TRISH!!!! This is for you!

Several weeks ago Diana and I sat down on a Saturday night and watched "Jaws." All the way through. (Turns out there actually was quite a bit of it I'd never seen - a lot of the on the boat stuff.)

Will you be my friend again?


Anonymous said...

Go check out Donnie’s good friend Nasri. He was the reason they got back together. He wrote most of ther new songs. You can even hear his voice on the chorus of “summertime” and he sings the second half of “click click click”
Check him @

Little Silver Stars said...

Gah! I only just saw this post! Yes, I suppose I will be your friend again, on one condition...Did you like it???