Friday, June 10, 2005

Wow, I really have not blogged in quite some time now. Which I suppose is a somewhat accurate description of just how exciting my life has been. Plus, Diana beats me to all the fun news, like the new cat, or ... yeah, did I mention the new cat?

Unfortunately, our poor little Mason is sick. Basically, he has a head cold. He is sneezing his little head off, which is just about the saddest thing you've ever heard. Also, his sneezes are louder than Jen's, which is kind of disconcerting from a 10-lb cat. Also he drools a lot, which I would say is pretty much equally sad and gross. The worst part is that he can't be near Murray because we don't want Murray to get sick (goodness knows he had enough problems breathing as it is), so Mason has to be locked in a room. For the past two days he's been in the hall bathroom but I think we're going to move him to the guest bedroom so he at least has a little more room and some natural light. Checking on him is a whole production, it's like a trip to visit the infirmary. Or the quarantine ward. It's sort of reminiscent of a killer virus movie like Outbreak. Except, he's a cat not a monkey. But you get the idea. Get better soon Mason!

So this weekend I have quite a bit planned. On Sunday I am going to tempt fate and forego common sense by playing 36 holes of golf at the TPC. Sunday is still forecasted to be below 100 degrees and may well be the last such day until ... oh, October. So I guess if I'm going to do this sooner is better.

On Saturday night I believe we are bowling with Trish to help her celebrate her birthday, which is awesome. However, I don't know what to get her (*coughthinthintcough*). Diana I think is going to make her a cake, though, and Diana makes a damn good sour cream cake so if Trish gets that maybe she doesn't need anything else. Damn greedy friends. Also, apparently Trish is turning 26, and (no offense to Trish) that freaks me out a little. I am considerably younger than pretty much all of my friends, which I should be used to after always being the youngest one in my grade all throughout school, but I sort of thought I was done with that. Guess not. Wait, though. I think Josh might be younger than me. Is that right? See, there's yet another good reason he needs to move back here. Oh, and I guess Tony can move back, too. (That little joke there would probably be funnier if Tony read this blog but of course he doesn't have Internet access and when he is online I think it's just for email and Madonna news. I would throw in porn but I have a feeling that Kinkos blocks that sort of thing.)

Also today Mr. and Mrs. Smith is opening. Diana and I will probably go see this sooner or later. This is where I'm supposed to be excited because Angelina Jolie is hot and I'm a guy and I should want to go see her look hot in a movie. Except, I really don't like Angelina Jolie. At all. Her lips frighten me. Based on that, I'm tempted to write her off as a butterface, but it's not really that. Even her body is somehow off-putting to me. I think I can recognize why many people think she's hot but for me there is nothing sexually-appealing about her. Of course, this could just still be because of her close association in my mind with Billy Bob Thornton.

I've been at work for like an hour and a half now and I've done ... oh, maybe 20 minutes of actual work. Sadly, though, it's too early to take my lunch break.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

I didn't know it was possible but I think Sunday was too much golf in one day even for me. Also I'm still confused about how I shot better on the hard course in the afternoon when I was exhausted. Go figure.

By the way, you have a college degree and a brain ... that makes you vastly over-qualified for my job so far as I can tell. So, if you really want a work day that slow, just let me know. You can be my replacement should I ever find myself new employment.