Friday, March 24, 2006

High-schoolers are completely unaware of shocking adult concepts like rape and sex and murder and they must be protected from their own desire to actually read serious literature.

I wish I had more to blog about for you today, but stories like this just suck my entire will to live. Sorry. Happy weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Diana said...

I think I might have to be the voice of dissent... It's not that children are unaware of rape and murder, but I think the subject of that book might really be too heavy. I loved that book - it's one of the best I've ever read - but I was haunted by it for weeks afterward. I would literally find myself depressed at times, wonder why, and then realize I was upset about that book. So I can't help but see both sides of the issue.

My opinion as a teacher though, is to let the students choose what they read. It seems as though they did choose this book, with the knowledge and understanding of its subject. Children learn better when the content is of their choosing, so I would naturally respect their choice. But if it was required reading for all students, I'd probably be a protesting parent too.