Tuesday, March 28, 2006

With apologies to my wife and many of my best friends, I don't really like horror movies. But in college I saw one horror movie that I absolutely loved. It was Val Lewton's 1940's movie "Cat People" (do not even talk to me about that godawful 80's remake).

My love for it tends to highlight why I don't like most modern horror movies. For years, I looked for the film but couldn't even find it on VHS. Happily, it was released (with a lot of Lewton's other work) on DVD just last year. And I just found this wonderful article from Roger Ebert's great movies series about the movie, as well.

I don't even remember why for sure I watched the movie. I saw it as part of a "Film and Literature" class. Generally, we read a book, watched a movie based on the book, and discussed. There were some older movies and a few never ones - Kiss of a Spider Woman and Clueless come to mind. But Cat People isn't based on any book so far as I can tell and I don't recall reading anything with even vaguely ssimilar things. Maybe the prof just really liked the movie and wanted to show it, for all I know. If so, good on ya, prof.

It's a mood piece. Not for everyone. But I really encourage you to give it a chance (it's short!). Watch it with the lights off and no distractions. It's way scarier than "Scream."


Other stuff I like right now:

1. James Blunt
2. Ben Harper, esp. his new CD "Both Sides of the Gun"
3. The new season of The Sopranos
4. For that matter, season 1 of The Sopranos, which I have been re-watching with Diana
5. Big Love (new show on HBO)
6. really just HBO in general
7. Chino Bandido
8. that wet stuff what has been falling from the sky lately


Matthew said...

It's a quirky show. I've found with HBO you have to be willing to give them 5-10 episodes to really see if the show will be worthwhile.

I didn't like the Big Love pilot much, but the episodes since have hooked me. Diana loved the pilot and hasn't really enjoyed the following two episodes. I guess it's s toss up.

But she is pretty excited about season one of The Sopranos.

Robert said...

I liked the movie 'Cat People' and I'm happy that it's coming to DVD. Didn't they remake that movie 20 times already, or variations there of? I saw the 80's one and thought, 'meh.'