Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Dead Like Me

Starting tonight and apparently running most of the summer, Showtime is going to be running the first two seasons of Dead Like Me. On Tuesdays at 8 ET, though what that means for your local time I can't even begin to guess.

Like most people you probably haven't even heard of Dead Like Me, which no doubt has a lot to do with why it was cancelled. It was among my favorite television shows ever. It has no genre because it's everything from dark comedy to uplifting drama. Seriously a great show.

I'm not sure why, having cancelled the show, the network is airing all these old epidoes, but it gives me a tiny sliver of hope that it could be revived if it gets some viewers this time around. Or, at the very least, you can watch it now and understand why every time Mandy Patinkin shows up in one of those prescription drug commericals my heart hurts a little.

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