Friday, May 06, 2005

What I Gained From Working At My College Newspaper

I always used to write out the word okay. Then in a reporting class where we had to study AP Style I learned that AP prefers OK. Probably just to save those two characters, which can be all important. (Sadly, I'm not being saracastic about that). So I knew that if I was writing anything for a journalism class I needed to make sure I used OK instead of okay. Not that you would use that word very often in journalism. You'd cut it from most quotes even. Anyway, I continued to use okay in all other uses. I don't know why, but I remember that I did.

Then I got a job as a copy editor at the student paper and suddenly I had to take AP Style much more seriously than I ever had previously. Plus, by my senior year I was not actually writing very much that wasn't journalism-related.

And, three years later, it occurs to me that I never write out okay anymore. I just don't. So, apparently that's the lasting mark the Wildcat has left on my life.

(Oh, and Diana. I found her there, too.)

In other news of me and words, I just moments ago learned that fierce is a really awkward word to spell. Seriously. It's not hard to spell, it follows the basic rules. But it just looks wrong. So that's another strike against you, fierce. First Tyra Banks and now this. One more and you're done.


Diana said...

You know... it was bad enough when you were quoting Seth Cohen from "The O.C." But now an "America's Next Top Model" reference? Why didn't anyone tell me I married a woman?

Matthew said...

What if I told you I only ever watched "Sex and the City" with you for the naked chicks?

Diana said...

That would be slightly redeeming... but there's still that Hilary Duff MP3 to contend with...