Monday, October 31, 2005

Fun With Gourds

So Brianna is so cool that not only did she buy herself a little membership to the very cool pumkin-carving-pattern web site Curse of the Zombie Pumpkins!, but she also shared the wealth.

David and Elaine (my brother- and sister-in-law and, it would seem, matchmakers extraodinaire) put on their annual pumpkin carving party Friday night and this is a shindig not to be missed, I tell you. So much so that we rescheduled a vacation so we could be there.

Here are the fruits (well, vegetables really) of our evening (though more could be yet to come, wink wink):

Here is Diana's Hannibal Lecter. Quite good considering this is the first time she's carved a pumpkin in years and the first time it was anything more than a triangular nose and eyes with a freaky grin:

Here's Erin's haunted house:

And my Leatherface:

Just a fun side note: This is my 69th post.

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