Friday, October 14, 2005

You To Thank

So this morning we had a little office meeting to acknowledge those who this month are having birthdays, or anniversaries with the company, or anything else worth note. At the end of this brief meeting, Jeff (not technically a supervisor of mine in any way, but also sort of the guy in charge of the office) says we're going to do a Halloween-inspired trivia quiz. And, as fate had it, the topic was scary movies.

To be honest, these were questions that were easy enough that I probably could have answered most of them years ago, before I ever met all you dear horror-movie-loving friends of mine (ie, match the serial killer to the movie franchise, what state did Blair Witch take place in, etc.). But, a few I certainly wouldn't have known if it weren't for knowing y'all (ie, the movie with the line "Have you checked the children?" is called When A Stranger Calls.)

Anyway, I kicked serious butt in this trivia challenge, and so I got ... Jeff? "Uh, actually I don't think we have a prize yet. I was going to run to Target and get something Halloween-themed at lunch, but we moved the meeting to the morning." He promised my prize would arrive in the afternoon. I figured anything fun Halloween decoration from Target would be good.

So after lunch Jeff and one of the other supervisors (female and, again, not actually one of my supervisors) presented me, very excitedly I might add, with my prize.


This is an episode that reveals a number of interesting things about my office. For example, planning a contest but forgetting to plan the prize is rather indicative of all our business practices from the top down. Then there's the shirt itself. Now, I happen to like the shirt. Not necessarily something I would buy for myself, but something I'll gladly wear. I like the Halloween theme and I like the double entendre.

Ah, but that double entendre. Does anyone else wonder if giving an employee a t-shirt with what seems to me a not entirely obscure sexual suggestion is the tiniest bit inapporpriate? Again, it's me and it takes a lot more than that to offend me. But I'm left wondering: Were the people who bought the shirt unaware of the double entendre? Or were they just willing to risk a sexual harrassment charge if I turned out to be offended?

It's all a big mystery to me. But at least I got a free t-shirt. And I have you all to thank.

So ... thanks!

While we're on the subject of cheeky t-shirts, here are two that I enjoy:

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