Wednesday, October 26, 2005

In which I waste no time at all

I have a new car!

I will get to the pictures and the excited burbling in a moment, but first this: I already miss my dear old Subaru a bit. That car was with me all through college and beyond and I had so many wonderful fun times and great memories tied to it. In fact, many of them would probably get me in trouble to post here. But I remember this: I drove Diana on our first date in that car and not long thereafter it recieved one of it's worst dings when I was pulling out of Jessica's driveway and paying not much attention because I was laughing at something Diana said and I hit the mailbox on the opposite side of the street. It was very sad to simply give it up so suddenly. I'll miss you, little Subaru.

But I can console myself with this:

Pretty, no?

One problem. It has a hole in the roof:

Yeah, it's een more "family car" than the last one. But I'm a "family car" kinda guy these days. It's not so bad, really.


Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with wanting family cars. Now if I can just convice Becky that having a truck is not so bad. Hmm.

Lisa Armsweat said...

Somehow your post made me get the song "Family Man" by Hall & Oates in my head.

I don't know whether to punch you in the stomach for that-- or, just say your new car is nice and congratulations. I'll go with the second option, since it's a little more socially acceptable. But watch out for Hall & Oates. (A little advice for everyone,really.)

Matthew said...

Lisa, I remember all too well the "sweaty" Hall & Oates album cover. Hopefully that didn't also pop into your head. Though even if it didn't originally, it's probably there now. My bad. Just remind me of this post the next time I see you: I probably deserve that punch in the stomach.